Monday, May 26, 2008

Back Home

It was a loooooong day, but we finally made it home around 12:30 am. 25 hours elapsed from the time we left the hotel in Rome until we walked in our door, about 12 of that in the air. We had a 2-hour delay in Chicago (on top of a 4 hour layover), and that really made our day drag.

We had a wonderful time on our trip! Check back soon, as we'll be posting some links to the enormous amount of photos we took.


Archie and Melissa said...

welcome home! i am excited to see your pictures!
:) Melissa

eric said...

Thanks! We'll have 2000+ pictures to share, probably within a week. Yes, more than 2000! (snore)

We're all happy to be home, but definitely still craving more French/Italian cuisine & culture. I know I haven't been able to stop daydreaming about filling my belly with ham. (les baguettes du jambon et fromage)